


I welcome your visit to join with me, as I tickle the naked essence of the chaotic and seemingly absurd world, with a new camera.

Art has been one of my passions since a very early age from music, drawing, painting to writing. I love color, capturing beauty and nature within moments of time and every now and then you can get a great picture that reminds you of a special moment in time that touches the essence of self.

I seek to learn as this is new to me and am inspired by those great in the fields of art that live with their passion daily with the ability to express this passion in all forms. Art awakens the mind, reminds us of the past and present and where our footprints may be headed to. Art as well awakens others outside of ourselves to learning and seeing things in a new light. Photography keeps alive those special moments in our lives in so many ways.
I have started a voyage from that of desire from the days of youth and innocence. I have found a path leading me fore that is at times a visual feasting for the eyes as I continue to journey forth ward, towards seeking those treasured moments of what appears around each curve along the road of my travels.
Learning a new hobby that is out of your realm is joyful with much learning along the way. This has come at a much later stage in life for me than many. Throughout my life I have reveled in many forms of art work and now work with in the field of writing. With seeking I have found that photography and writing have alot of similarities.
The photos within this blog are in essence naked. They have not been retouched but are as taken. I welcome sharing with others, I am open to information and learning. Please enjoy a few of my special moments, may they put a smile upon your face, allow yourself to be taken away from the stress of daily life and may you leave invigorated to go out and try new things, share, open your heart or see things in a new way.

Should you have suggestions, ideas or comments, I welcome them greatly. I am still a student at and within life and within the field of photography.
Thank you for taking the time to stop and look. My best for you as you make footprints out into the world. What ever you do, strive to make it the best, better or greatest as it shall fill you in the end.

Big smiles,

Mira Faraday

2 responses to “About

    • Thank you for stopping by to spend some time. I greatly enjoyed your site. I have found a new place t search for reference material.
      Have a wonderful day and I look forward to sharing more with you.
      Mira Faraday

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